
A Kiss … Kisses … Kisses

  " Forty Kisses and One Kiss"   

ولكنّي أتوقعُ للمشروع أن يتسع لمزيدٍ من القُبل .. وبما أنَّ ترجمتي لذلك الجزءِ قد حظِيَت برضا الشاعر فقد وجدتُ التشجيعَ اللازم للإستمرارِ بترجمةِ ما يأتي من القُبل..

مرة أخرى أتقدم بشكري للشاعر سعد جاسم لسماحِه لي بنشر ترجمتي  لما تجودُ به شاعريّتُه  من قُبل وما يخطُّه قلمُه منها ...


A Kiss … Kisses … Kisses

Poem By: Saad Jasim 

Translated from Arabic

By: Inaam Al-Hashimi (Gold_N_Silk)



With their luminous souls,

Our patient mothers

Embrace shrines

Of the holy imams and saints;


- 2 -

Kisses have their mystic music,

And have their wild storms;


- 3 -

The kiss is a space

The stars of which

Are aureoles of eternal life;


- 4 -

If it wasn’t for you,

 Oh, lover bee!

Adam wouldn’t learn

How to kiss his Eve,

And suck the first drop

Of sweet nectar

From her lips;

So the legend tells,

It resembles the first kiss;


- 5 -

When you have to be away,

I kiss your shirts,

Your handkerchiefs,

And your little things,

Then feel the sway of your presence,

And forget the dreariness of your absence;


- 6 -

Platonists’ kisses are

Dreams and

Wounded passionate desires;


- 7 -

There are rivers

That pine for their first springs

They go back to embrace them

Even if they have to

Change their course and shores;


- 8 -

Mystics’ kisses

Are Gnostic;


- 9 -

Does the executioner know

The meaning of a kiss

Without whips?


- 10 -

Drones are professional cheaters;

In the presence of their bees,

They kiss flowers;


- 11 -

With your compassionate kiss,

Oh, human angel,

You endowed me

With a chance for survival;


- 12 -

 Friends’ kisses are

Deferred desires,

However, debunked;


- 13 -

Kiss me,

Kiss me, my darling,

So that I become graceful,

And more beautiful;


- 14 -


Kiss with their hearts;


- 15 -

Two things I couldn’t be weaned of,

Kissing, and crying;

With them, I am to be,

And I am to be cleansed;


- 16 -

Oh, you elusive fox,

Do you have customs in kissing?


- 17 -

Grandparents’ kisses are

Virtue, reverence, and forgiveness;


-     18 –

Teachers, scientists,

And ascetic elders,

Alone, are worthy

of kisses placed on their white hands,

And on their forehead

That are luminous with light

And manifestation;


- 19 -

Bread and books

Deserve to be kissed,

If fallen on the floor,

In reverence to the blessing

And the word


- 20 -

Even ants

Engage in kissing;


- 21 -

In its fullness

Happy wheat ears

Bow down to embrace the earth

And bless the threshing floor;


- 22 -


Have their eccentric rituals

In embracing and kissing;


- 23 -


Brooks exchange kisses,

In short encounters,

With their mother rivers;


- 24 -

Hedgehogs’ kisses are


and wounding too;


- 25 -


Kiss the eyes of Earth

And outpour profuse and clear water;


- 26 -

Without candles,

Without lamps,

Our lips meet

And we embrace,

Despite the war harshness,

And despite the prickly darkness;


-     27 -

Oh, Earth,

Our eternal mother,

You, we kiss your feet,

Without shame or submission;

But the feet of sultans (tyrants)

Do end up in the darkness

Of nihility;


- 28 -

Once upon a time ...

The wild mare

Said to her raving stallion:

 Smell me!

He embraced her,

Then kissed her,

And the prairies roared up with neighs;




2, 2009

Inaam Al-Hashimi (Gold_N_Silk)



* Selected from:

 “The Kiss” the book:

A project consisting of one hundred kisses and one kiss.

 لمشاهدة النص باللغتين اضغط على الرابط أدناه تجده تحت الترجمات:؛



الآراء الواردة في المقال لا تمثل رأي صحيفة المثقف بالضرورة، ويتحمل الكاتب جميع التبعات القانونية المترتبة عليها. (العدد: 1076  الجمعة  12/06/2009)


في المثقف اليوم

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