ترجمات أدبية

Mine is all that doesn’t belong to you

Mine is all that doesn’t belong to you

Mahroos Braik

Translted by Nizar Sartawi


P... A... L... E... S...

T... I...N... E


The month of March is mine

and also July

October’s mine

and December too


The cactus times are mine

and all the seasons of the year

The days are mine enceinte with revolt

the mountains of persistence mine

and all the olive groves in view


Mine is the fragrance of Mother Earth...

the flavor of the coffee

and the cypress trees

The latch of the door is mine

and the rain that flows through the drainpipe

Mine is a sparrow that pecks at the window

the tune of the flute

and all which grows in this land

or will ever do


Mine is the saddle of the conquest steed

my father’s sword

my grandfather's keffiyeh...

and the mountains of Jerusalem

Mine is all that doesn’t belong to any of you


Yours are the lands of wandering

and the crypts of fear


لي ما ليس لكم

د. محروس بريك

فاءٌ .. لامٌ .. سِينْ

طَا .. يَا .. نُونْ


لي آذارٌ

لي تمُّوزٌ

لي تشرينٌ

لي كانونْ ...


لي أزمنةٌ من صبَّارٍ

لي كلُّ فصول العامِ

ولي الأيامُ الحُبلَى بالعصيانِ

جبالُ الصَّبرِ

ولي الزيتونْ


لي رائحةُ الأرضِ الأمِّ ..

وطعمُ القهوةِ

لي أشجارُ السَّرْوِ

ولي مِزلاجُ البابِ

ولي أمطارٌ تَهْمِي من مِيزابِ الدارِ

ولي عصفورٌ ينقرُ في شُبَّاكِ البيتِ

وصوتُ النايِ

ولي ما كان بهذي الأرضِ

وما سيكونْ


لي سَرْجُ حِصانِ الفتحِ

وسيفُ أبي

كُوفيَّةُ جَدّي  .. لي

وجبالُ القُدسِ

ولي .. ما ليس لكم


ولكم أرضُ التِّيهْ

وسراديبُ الخوفْ



Dr. Mahroos Braik is an Egyptian poet, short story writer, critic, researcher, and academician. He studied Arabic Linguistics at the University of Cairo and received his Bachelor’s degree in 2008, M.A. in 2002, PhD in 2008. He currently works as a Professor of Arabic Linguistics at the same university. He is distinguished for his valuable contributions in the different fields of linguistics, rhetoric, prosody, literature, creative writing, and Islamic studies, with particular interest in syntax and morphology. 



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