ترجمات أدبية

د. إبراهيم السعافين: كأَنْ مدّ رجليه فوقَ السّحاب

بقلم: د. إبراهيم السعافين

ترجمة: نزار سرطاوي


قال لي صاحبي

لهمُ كلً شيءٍ،

لَهُمْ كلّ صنفٍ من الأطعمة

ولهمْ ما تعالى من الأوسمة

ولهمْ ما يشاؤون من أُعطياتٍ

ومنْ مكرمة

ولهم من رفيع المراتب دومًا

ولهمْ شارة العزُّ  والتّقدمة

قُلْتُ يا صاحبي،

لم الآن يا صاحبي؟!

قد رضيتَ زمانًا، فلا، لا تمدنّ طرفكَ

خلف الحجابْ

فهل تقف اليوم ( عبدًا ) بباب الموالي

ولم تطرق، العمر، يا صاحبي

أيّ بابٌ

لهمْ ما يشاؤون يا صاحبي،

ولك المكرمات  جميعًا

وحسبكَ من عزّةِ النّفس عند ازدحامِ


عند ارتعاشِ الأيادي، وعندَ تهاوي


تنهّدَ، حينئذٍ، صاحبي، واستراح ،

كأنّْ مدّ رجليْهِ فوقَ السّحابْ


As If He’d Stretched His Legs Above The Clouds

Ibrahim Alsaafin

Translated by Nizar Sartawi


They own everything

my friend told me,

they own all sorts of delicacies

accolades of the highest order

All gifts or honors that they desire 

they acquire

They always hold the highest ranks

The badge of glory to them goes;

and only theirs are the forefront rows


I said: My friend

why now?!

For long you’ve been content

Do Not, Do Not ever cast your eyes 

on what’s behind the curtain


Would you now stand like a humble slave

at the doors of the serfs

Never ever have you my friend knocked

on any door

Yours are all honors

Sustained you are by pride and self-esteem

when feasts are attended by the crowds

when hands quiver and

speeches fall


My friend then sighed in great relief  

as if he’d stretched his legs above the clouds


Ibrahim Al-Saafin Bio

Ibrahim Alsaafin, a Jordanian poet, critic essayist, novelist, playwright, and academician, received his PhD from Cairo University in Arabic literature in 1978. After graduation he worked at different universities, including Yarmouk university (Jordan), the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (USA), King Saud University (Saudi Arabia), UAE University (UAE), and Sharjah University (UAE). Currently he is a professor of modern Arabic literature and criticism at the University of Jordan. He also serves as a chair and member of numerous editorial boards, a member of the board of trustees at several universities and cultural institutions, and a member of the Jordan academy of Arabic.

Alsaafin has to his credit six collections of poetry, two plays, and two novels, as well as a few unpublished MS’s. He also has penned 35 books of literary studies and literary criticism, and hundreds of literary articles published in prestigious literary journals in different Arab countries. Moreover, he has supervised more than a hundred M.A theses and Ph.D. dissertations in Jordanian and Arab universities.

  Alsaafin has received several literary awards, including Jordan State Award (1993), King Faisal International Prize (2001), and Palestine State Award for Literature (2020).


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