نصوص أدبية

شيراز / Chiraz



Bouzid Herzellah

Translated by Saliha Naidja


To Chiraz I grant all what the sea fails to explain

To the gulls streaming in the sky

To Chiraz I know all the seasons

To Chiraz I awaken: lighten this spot


I call the horses to Chiraz

I call all the horses to her hands

and tell her;

Never halt                 

Until I see them there

The highest extreme   glancing her


You the poem;

Do you read whom she overwhelmed me?

Feeding the soul with honey and vows

All the birds stays silent to Chiraz

The songs keep listening and dancing

 on the rythm of her laughter.


You… the poets!!!

You’ve your poems

For me Chiraz messing me up

 in the alphabet letters

Her shadow gathers me in my splinters... fragments

To Chiraz; I stop the time in my footsteps

Her face of joy and greenness

Her face of love and and overwhemness

To Chiraz   

The nightingale’s voice

Fertility of spikes

Pity of whom in the sky

So as you are beyounn the word’s imagination

Much more than what the meaning sees

Because You are Chiraz ……that‘s enough

To switch off this time’s hurricanes

I love you

In the Fairouz’s whisper

Drinking our coffee in the mornings

drowns us in joy and happiness

I love you Chiraz

Give me the flute and sing

Give back the rainbow   to the home.



الآراء الواردة في المقال لا تمثل رأي صحيفة المثقف بالضرورة، ويتحمل الكاتب جميع التبعات القانونية المترتبة عليها: (العدد: 1593 الأربعاء 01/12 /2010)



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